Monday, February 16, 2009


For many travelers, one of the central sources of angst and confusion is how to tip in a manner that is neither miserly, nor extravagant. Travelers run into far more situations where tipping is a concern than they would in their everyday life at home. And it's made more uncomfortable due to the fact that when visiting abroad, the customs are foreign and easily misunderstood. Taxi drivers, porters, valets, waiters, and barbers/hairstylists are just some of the people you will encounter who will provide you with a service, and may or may not expect or require a gratuity.

The first key to understanding tipping is realizing the situation at hand. Starting with restaurants, the general rule is between 10-20% of the bill before taxes. Some people choose to tip extra if they feel the service is outstanding, while many will leave a small tip or not tip at all if they feel the service is terrible. However, not leaving a tip because the service did not meet expectations can often lead to a confrontation. It is often better to leave some kind of a tip; but be sure address the situation with the manager. It is also vital to know the local customs when it comes to tipping.

In America, tipping is expected, and we are known to be some of the most generous tippers around. Many people in the service industry depend on tips to supplement their wages, which are often set artificially low in expectation of the tips they will receive. The key thing to remember is that tipping is a personal decision, but it affects others. So the idea of treating others as you would want to be treated clearly resonates. Be wary of restaurants that add a tip to the bill automatically: no one should pay two tips for the same meal.
source: gocurrency

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